Prayer Team
Theology Essays
Urgent Prayer Needed: Hamas seeks to Kidnap Israelis
Salvations in Tel Aviv in the Midst of War!
A Brief History of Gaza
A Note from My Soldier Daughter (near Gaza)
Headlines from Israel
Mr. Kerry, It’s not Apples and Apples! [Israelis/Palestinians]
[Shocking Video] Palestinian Children Scream at Jews, “Allah Hu Akbar”
An Open Letter to President Obama re: Your Statement that the World is Less Violent than Ever
Christian Advisor to PLO says “Israeli Occupation of Palestine, Longest in History”—is i
Two Trains (Holocaust Memorial Day)
Register for “Come to Israel” Tour with Ron and Elana Cantor
[New Video] Happy Passover: Yeshua, the Lamb of God
Blood Moons and Prophetic Confusion by Avner Boskey
The Golan’s Hexagon Pool [Come to Israel 2015]
[REGISTER NOW!] Come to Israel March 2015 with Ron and Elana Cantor
Was Peter a Palestinian?
Nearly Martyred Pastor, Umar Mulinde, says Farewell to Israel
Messianic Israeli Preaches Historical Truth with Grace and Compassion at Palestinian Conference
Stephen Sizer calls Ron Cantor a pig and banishes him to hell!
Dr. Sizer calls Messianic Jews in Israel an Abomination… AGAIN!
“Jerusalem, a Shared city with Muslims?” My Response to Dr. Steven Sizer
You won’t believe who this fellow compared to the Nazis!
Are Lives of U.S. Soldiers Worth More than Israelis?
Ariel Sharon: A Walk to Remember