Prayer Team
Theology Essays
The Butcher of Ramallah is Free!
The Real St. Nick Saved 669 Children from Hitler!
The Mystery of the Hanukkah Menorah
“Don’t Let the Jews in the Airport!” — My Bizarre Ride Home
10 Million Curses a day Against Messianic Jews!
11-Year-Old Understands Islamic Oppression More than World Leaders
[Podcast] Netanyahu’s bold Speech, US praises Assad and Part 3 in Jews, Gentiles and Torah
Netanyahu: Not Politically Correct, But Biblically Correct in UN Speech
Netanyahu: Iran’s New President is a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Televangelists Abusing the Day of Atonement—Yom Kippur
Dear Mr. President — An Open Letter of Advice
Photo Diary of Yom Kippur 2005
[Podcast] Special Syria Edition
Jewish New Year or Day of Blasting Trumpets?
Glenn Beck Thinks US was founded by Lost 10 Tribes of Israel
Israelis, Gas Masks and Looming War in Syria
[Podcast ep. 25] Israel News, Teaching and Music
How Should the West Respond to Egypt?
Palestinian Murderers Receive Hero’s Welcome in Ramallah
[Podcast] Israel to Release 26 Terrorists! Egypt Clamps down.
[Podcast] We are Back!!! Episode 23
The Torah Went Forth From Zion to Pennsylvania
[Podcast] Special LIVE Edition at Messiah 13
[New Teaching] The First Messianics