Prayer Team
Theology Essays
Reading in my Bathtub: Falling in Love w/ Israel-Part 4
Reading in my Bathtub: Falling in Love w/ Israel-Part 3
Reading in my Bathtub: Falling in Love w/ Israel-Part 1
Reading in my Bathtub: Falling in Love w/ Israel-Part 2
August Newsletter
Drowning in the Black (Letter) Sea
Prayer Requests August 5th, 2012 (from israel and other parts of the world!)
Empty Nest Syndrome or Free at Last?
My Iranian Hitchhiker!
In Defense of the Sound Man
Hitting the Ground Running
Advanced Hebrew for 100 Shekels! Such a deal!
AUDIO: Honoring Dan Juster
Cantor’s join with Maoz Israel
Day Six—Miracles and Trials!
VIDEO: Victory in Nigeria
The Blind Shall See!—Hong Outreach Day 4
Hong Day 3—Attack of the Termites
Hong Day 2
Hong Day 1
Cantors Need Pray :-)
Israeli in New York Finds Yeshua
VIDEO: Something not Kosher in Israel (McFalafel)
Sharon Cantor’s New Video