Prayer Team
Theology Essays
The Strangest Scripture in the New Testament
Fire-Breathing Prophets!
Ariel Sharon: A Walk to Remember
The Butcher of Ramallah is Free!
[Podcast 045] Peace Talks, Soccer Balls and Palestinians in cages? Really?
[Podcast 044] Terrorists Freed, Again!, Land Swap in Israel? Tal is Back!
[Podcast 043] Special broadcast from the US
I support A&E’s right to Censure Phil Robertson—This is not about Free Speech
[Podcast 042] Netanyahu skips Mandela’s funeral, Iran suspects a trap
The Real St. Nick Saved 669 Children from Hitler!
[Podcast 41] Hanukkah in Israel! More on Iran Deal
The Mystery of the Hanukkah Menorah
[Podcast 040] Raw Deal with Iran; Lessons from Joseph
“Don’t Let the Jews in the Airport!” — My Bizarre Ride Home
[Podcast 039] Hamas leader granddaughter in Israeli hospital
[Podcast] Episode 038
Hey Toronto Mayor: Leadership is a Privilege, not a Right
Ron Cantor Speaking Schedule Nov. 2013
[Podcast 037] Iranians Chant Death to America, Obama Admin Outs Israel
Famous Rabbi PROVES Yeshua is the Messiah!
[Podcast 36] Will Israel Bomb Iran? Israeli X-Factor! Proof from an Orthodox Rabbi that Yeshua is th
10 Million Curses a day Against Messianic Jews!
[Podcast] Ron and Tal share stories about life in Israel
[Podcast] Terror Tunnels from Gaza to Israel and Nobels Snub Pakistani Heroine