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URGENT: We just endured Iran’s first round of an attack. WATCH the video!

Just before we sent this out, sirens sounded all over Israel. Iran sent 180 ballistic missiles at Israel. We could see it from our balcony. I've never seen anything like it. It was like Star Wars. However, it does not appear that they were very successful. It's too early to say we are still waiting to hear reports from the country. Thank you for your prayers. Things have really heated up over the past day here in Israel. There are reports from US intelligence that Iran is getting ready to launch an attack on Israel using ballistic missiles. Israelis are being told to stay near bomb shelters.

IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said, “We are following the threat seriously. We ask the public to follow the Home Front Command guidelines. The fire from Iran could be wide in scope. When a siren sounds, you are asked to enter a protected area and stay there until we notify you otherwise.”

URGENT: We just endured Iran’s first round of an attack. WATCH the video! Pray 🙏🏻

Early today, sirens were triggered in central Israel by a single missile launch from Lebanon. It was successfully intercepted and destroyed. In the last hour, there was a shooting in Jaffa with several casualties. On Saturday, I was walking in the area where the shooting took place, and our daughter lives just a few blocks away. She texted me that she was there 20 minutes ago! Please pray for her right now. There are no reports on what happened to the shooter as of yet.

UPDATE: Many were wounded from the shooting, some critically. Two terrorist shooters are dead.

And then there is the IHOPKC investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct and assault. We put out a FAQ sheet the other day to clear up some confusion. So far, the response has been very positive. The investigator has interviewed dozens of people and more are coming forward. But we are also seeking to build bridges with the victims to get their buy-in. Of the past day I have met with two different experts on clergy sexual abuse. I’m getting quite the education.

So, being in Israel, under attack, while working on this investigation—need prayer! Thank you! 

Pray Requests:

  • Pray against any attacks from Iran. Pray that our defense systems will work better than expected.

  • Pray God will use this to turn Israel towards him and his Messiah.

  • Pray against all warfare coming against us because of the IHOP KC investigation—pray for all of our team members, Dan Juster, Asher Intrater, Melva Phelps and Rich Cleary.

  • Tomorrow night is the beginning of Rosh Hashanah. Israeli will be gathering for dinner all throughout the country. 

  • Next week, the entire country will observe the one-year memorial of October 7. Please pray that all of our hostages will come home. Pray for a miracle. 

  • Pray against the enemy’s schemes for the nation of Israel and God’s will to be done throughout this nation.

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3 days ago

I touch and agree with you in prayer in Messiah Yeshua's Name.

God is compassionate, merciful, faithful, and powerful.

Psalms 121:1-8 TLV

[1] A Song of Ascents. I will lift up my eyes to the mountains— from where does my help come? [2] My help comes from Adonai, Maker of heaven and earth. [3] He will not let your foot slip. Your Keeper will not slumber. [4] Behold, the Keeper of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. [5] Adonai is your Keeper. Adonai is your shadow at your right hand. [6] The sun will not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. [7] Adonai will protect you from all evil. He will guard your life. [8] Adonai will watch…

2 days ago
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Agree in the name of Yeshua


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Shalom from Israel! I am Ron Cantor and this is my blog. I serve as the President of Shelanu TV.

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