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Shelanu TV

Apostolic Passion

Writer's picture: Ron CantorRon Cantor

Extending the Borders of the Kingdom of God!

What is apostolic passion?

The word apostle means a vigorous and pioneering advocate or supporter of a particular policy, idea, or cause. What is our God-given cause that we vigorously advocate? The apostolic mission of Yeshua is none other than the Great Commission—to make disciples of all nations. It is the passion to see the gospel go where it has not yet gone—to see the borders of the kingdom of God extended.

The Gospel message went forth like a steadily moving neutron bomb that mushroomed from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. It still has not reached its final destination, but when it does, it will invert back on Jerusalem where we will once again see a mighty outpouring. Paul says that after the good news reaches the nations, then “all Israel will be saved!” (Rom 11:25-26)

There should be in every believer a driving passion to see both of these events come to fruition: World evangelization and revival in Israel. There is no confusion amongst the Messianic Jewish call and the World Missions call. One thing I have noticed over the years is that those in the modern world missions movement often have a blindness when it comes to seeing Israel’s key role, and those in Messianic Movement can be so focused on Israel, that like the first apostles, miss God’s heart for the nations.

The truth is that if anyone has an anointing to reach the nations with the Gospel it is Jewish believers. Paul, a Jewish rabbi, was given the commission to take the gospel to the nations:

But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.” (Acts 9:15)

It was the first Hebrew, Abraham who received the call to the nations: “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Gen. 12:3) And while the phrase, ‘or l’goyim’ (light to the nations) is ultimately fulfilled in Yeshua, this was also Israel’s call.

Paul burned with this apostolic passion as he said, “It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Messiah was not known…” (Rom 15:20a)

Often people ask me, “Why don’t we see the miracles here that are happening in Africa?” Well, one reason is that so many of the miracles we see in the New Covenant are in the context of preaching the Gospel to those who had never heard it. Now I believe that God can do any miracle at anytime for anyone, but it cannot be ignored that so many of Yeshua’s, not to mention the apostles, great miracles were done outdoors, in the midst of the ones they were trying to reach and often led to a harvest (see Acts 3, beggar healed, 2,000 saved!)—not in the safe confines of a congregational building, where the lost could not see it.

I truly believe that the more we are involved in frontier evangelism, taking the gospel to those who have not heard it, the more we will see the power of God in our own lives.

A missionary to South America once said that he loves to go into cities or villages that have never had the gospel preached. He goes to the city square, understanding that the demonic powers that have been operating there, have been doing so unhindered for thousands of years. When he arrives at the city square he shouts the name JESUS! He can only imagine what takes place in the spirit realm as demons scatter and run for cover, because they understand that their worst nightmare, THE GOSPEL, has arrived.

Friends, we have an historic opportunity to fulfill our calling to be a light to the nations. We want to send the demons scattering in the Gombie region of Nigeria! We want to see the name of Yeshua lifted high and thousands of Nigerians receive freedom in Yeshua. We expect the blind to see and the lame to walk, and like Philip in Samaria, we expect there will be great joy in those villages.

Here is your opportunity to get involved in frontier evangelism, the Great Commission—seeing Messiah preached where He is not known. Very soon our delegation of Israeli young adults will leave from Israel to Nigeria to hold a mass outreach campaign in cooperation with pastors and churches in the region. They are expecting more than 20,000 people to come to these meetings. Based on our budget of $70,000 (which covers everything from airfare to follow-up) we estimate that it will only cost us $3.50 to reach each person. Can you believe that? That is seven cents less than a Starbucks cappuccino!

And in addition to reaching Nigerians, you can help us raise u leaders for the coming Israelis revival as our team is made up of Messianic Israelis!

Take the Cappuccino Challenge!

Please consider partnering with us. Here is my Cappuccino Challenge. Add up all the money you spend on coffee drinks, soft drinks, bottled-water, etc. and send in a matching gift each month of the same amount from now until the outreach during Chanukah (December 5th-15th). You can send more if you want! This is an easy way for you to be involved in changing the lives of thousands of people. Just think, for the cost of a Cappuccino, someone’s name will be written in heaven. Don’t miss out on this blessing!

Committed with you to the Messiah’s Mandate,

Ron Cantor

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