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Writer's pictureRon Cantor

August Newsletter

Whew… I’m Home!

Friend, Shalom!

I got off the airplane in Tel Aviv on August 1, went home, laid down for an hour and then drove to the congregation to preach in Hebrew to over 100 Israeli Messianic teens, giving the final message at their ten-day camp called The Harvest. That seemed like an appropriate way to end my summer trip to the US.

I cannot ever remember being so busy. But it was so blessed. I ministered in Florida with my good friend Jerry Miller, Virginia with the Garbers and the great folks at Potter’s House, six meetings in Canada with Russ Moyer’s gang, and closed it out with a trip that led us back to the border of Canada near northern New Hampshire. Our hosts, Rick and Michelle Goss, put Elana and me in a B&B which just happened to be in the middle of nowhere and perfect! We spent all day in our room just watching the Olympics that Saturday. Just what we needed to get our energy back. 

My only regret was that we didn’t see a moose. But the Lord is good. As we were driving back to Boston, there was a traffic jam. I couldn’t understand, because we were in the boonies. Then I realized, it must be a moose. I grabbed my camera, pulled over and ran to the place where, along with about 50 other moose-gawkers, I saw a mamma moose and her twins.

Lunch with Terry Meeuwsen and Identity Theft

As I mentioned last month, Identity Theft is exceeding our wildest dreams. The first printing is nearly sold out. Destiny Image (our publisher) is working hard toward the new release in about a month. Then it will be available everywhere (Amazon, iTunes, Bookstores, etc.)… and we thank God for this!

We have received so many good reports. “I couldn’t put it down”—is a common remark we hear. Some dear friends wanted to get the book into the hands of Terry Meeuwsen, co-host of the 700 Club. They arranged a lunch where I was able to give her a copy. What a breath of fresh air this woman is. In a world where there is so much compromise in television ministry, here is a real witness for Yeshua. She not only directs Orphan’s Promise, but she and her husband have adopted five of their seven children. Spending an hour with her was wonderful.

Preaching in Hebrew

I mentioned at the beginning that I had the opportunity to minister to a bunch of Israeli Messianic teens on 8/1. What a blast. I’ll be honest, my Hebrew has been sharper. I didn’t have the time to fully prepare because of travel—but thank God—He showed up anyway.Virtually all of the teens came forward for prayer at the end. We had a wonderful move of the Spirit. What a privilege to share God’s Word with some of the youngest members of the saved Israeli remnant.

Ten days later, on 8/11, I preached at Tiferet Yeshua, my home congregation, on “Where Does Your Self-Confidence Come From.” (You can read the blog I wrote on the subject at We had so many great reports:

  1.  One of our member’s grandmother professed faith in Yeshua

  2. A young adult brought their friend who did not know that they were a believer. They told me afterward, “I wanted him to hear a relevant message in Hebrew.” I was so excited that they thought my message was relevant, despite my Hebrew! 🙂

  3. An older woman told me she went home and delivered the entire message to her granddaughter in New York via telephone.

  4. And Ronen, who was dying of cancer a year ago, and is now walking with Yeshua in a much deeper way, told me yesterday, “Ron, I talked all week with Olga (his wife) about your message. It was excellent!”

Please don’t think I am bragging here. God forbid. His anointing is a gift. It is just knowing so many of you have invested in us in prayer and partnership for nine years with this goal, that I would one day proclaim His word in Hebrew. I want you to share int he joy. Learning Hebrew has been the greatest challenge of my life! Without your partnership, I could not have devoted the time and energy to learning as I have. And I am not done! I still must get better… in fact, I have a lesson in 2 hours! Of course I would greatly appreciate your prayers for this.

Young Adults Group

Young adults are the easiest age group to mentor and disciple. They are old enough to be ready to make major life decisions and not so old to have already made them. They are sponges.

For months we have been asking you to pray for the launching in Tel Aviv of a Young Adults group, first for the young adults in our congregation, and also for those who need to be reached or who for some reason or another, are not in a congregation. In September we will begin. Elana and I are so excited about this and so are the young adults in our congregation. We will keep you updated.

Website and blog

Friends, please take advantage of our website. With the high cost of printing, I use this newsletter just for updates, but we are posting teachings, videos and much more on almost daily. There is always fresh material there. You can find me on facebook at and twitter at@RonSCantor.  Connect with me…and with what is happening in Israel!

Thank you!!!

Elana and I are so grateful for your partnership. God is doing great things in the Holy Land and more is coming. I am so glad that YOU are involved. May it bring the blessing into your life that God promised to those who would bless the seed of Abraham.

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