Elana and I are very excited as we enter into a strategic partnership with Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram, pioneers in Messianic ministry in Israel.
From Ron and Elana
(Note: This is from our newsletter last month and it contains very important information regarding Messiah’s Mandate. We realize that not everyone who supports MMI receives the paper newsletter, so we wanted to send out a email version. We appreciate your prayers as we process through this exciting transition.)
Dear Friends,
Over the past few months Elana and I have praying and counseling with my senior leaders within Tikkun, primarily Asher Intrater and Dan Juster. These two men have played a major role in my personal development as minister, a father, a husband and simply as a man, since 1987. When I graduated from bible college and moved to Maryland nearly 25 year ago, I lived with Asher and his family for a year. I learned so much from his godly example and to this day our families are very close.
Dan has taught me most of what I know about congregational government and leadership, and what’s more I have watched him live it out. He took me under his wing in 1993 when I came on staff at Beth Messiah and remains the primary mentoring figure in my life today. That won’t change!
In addition we have been counseling with our senior pastor here in Israel, Ari Sorko-Ram and his wife Shira. Together, they have overseen one of the most effective media ministries coming from Israel over the past 35 years. Their Maoz Report is a highly respected monthly publication that is read all over the world.
In addition, they lead what was one of the first Hebrew-language-only congregations in the country. That was the main reason we were attracted to Tiferet Yeshua (the Glory of Yeshua) when we moved here and one of the main reasons that we have returned after two wonderful years pastoring in Jerusalem.
Elana and I have served with Tikkun since we were married. Our relationships within Tikkun are significant. Eitan Shishkoff, another senior leader in Tikkun, preformed our ceremony. And even though Tikkun does not have a work in the Tel Aviv area (as they do in Haifa and Jerusalem) we never found it a problem having Tikkun cover us as emissaries, even while working with other ministries.
Strategic Partnership and Exciting Transition However, as Elana and I have taken on more responsibilities in the congregation (being on the preaching rotation, working with young adults and young couples, Elana working with the children) and as I have been working more closely with Maoz Israel’s media ministry, making relevant videos from Israel and writing regularly for their website, it became clear that maybe the Lord was moving us towards a more formal connection.
After much prayer and counsel with leaders from both Tikkun and Maoz Israel, we all agreed that this was an obvious transition for us. With the full blessing of Tikkun’s leadership and with an invitation from Maoz Israel’s board of directors, we are transitioning Messiah’s Mandate to Maoz Israel.
What does this mean? Truthfully, this is not a dramatic change. The vision is the same and we are working with the same people we have been for years. And on a personal level, Dan Juster and Asher Intrater will still have an official role in our lives as for as accountability and future direction.
For you, our partners, it will simply mean sending your support to Maoz Israel instead of Tikkun beginning in July. We will send you the new address next month. If you have any questions about this, please email me at ron@cantorlink.com.
Once again, Elana and I want to thank you for continuing to support us and stand together with us. We covet your prayers as we continue to grow in our ability to bring the gospel to the people of Israel. On the next page, there are letters from both Dan Juster and Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram. Please take time to read them. Bless you!
From Zion, to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8),
Ron (and Elana) Cantor
From Daniel C. Juster Director, Tikkun International
Dear MMI Supporters,
I have known Ron and Elana since they met in 1987. They are like a son and daughter to me and Patty. Ron has been one of my primary disciples for over twenty years and we are so pleased to see how the Lord has used him.
Of course, that is why this is a bitter-sweet moment for me as a mentor. It is difficult to see Ron transition from Tikkun, but it is so clear to us that this is of the Lord. Ron has gifts in writing and media that will be utilized very effectively within Maoz Israel.
And we can affirm Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram as faithful pioneers here in Israel, having birthed several congregations, they continue to lead congregation Tiferet Yeshua, oversee a humanitarian aid fund that has sown millions of dollars into Israeli Messianic Jewish families and they publish one of the most consistent, honest and hard-hitting newsletters from Israel.
In the past, I personally have served on the Maoz Israel accountability board, and one of our Tikkun leaders, Asher Intrater not only served with Ari and Shira at Tiferet Yeshua during one of the most remarkable growth spurts of a Hebrew speaking congregation in history, but the congregation He planted, Ahavat Yeshua in Jerusalem, is like a sister with Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv.
In other words, we are not sending Ron to work with strangers, but rather longtime friends, whom we have partnered with on many occasions in the past. In addition, let me be clear: We will still be in relationship with the Cantor family. Ron is one of our keynote speakers at this year’s Tikkun conference and we expect that he will continue to be a regular speaker in the 20 congregations in the US that are part of the Tikkun Network.
I want to strongly encourage you to continue to support Ron and Elana and we at Tikkun will help in every way to see that your donations designated to Messiah’s Mandate get to Ron and Elana during this transition.
The leadership team at Tikkun blesses Ron and Elana and their daughters as they continue move forward in God’s call on their lives.
Daniel C. Juster
Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram Founders, Maoz Israel
Dear Friends,
When Ron and Elana Cantor came to Israel in 2003 we had high hopes for them. Learning another language and culture is one of the most difficult things a person can undertake—especially when they are approaching 40. We have watched Ron over the past eight years give himself to Hebrew study and we are thrilled that now is he able to share the word in Hebrew. In fact, he will be preaching this week in our congregation.
Over the past several months we have been exploring the possibility of Ron and Elana joining with us at Maoz Israel in a more official capacity. Ron’s unique gifts in media and his desire to tell the world what is truly happening here in Israel lines up perfectly with the vision of Maoz Israel.
And let’s not leave out Elana. I don’t think Ron would have survived here without his wonderful Hebrew-speaking, native-born Israeli wife. She is truly a gift to the congregation. The children love her when she teaches at Shabbat School and she is in contact with many young Israeli ladies in the congregation, encouraging them in their faith.
As we sought the Lord and counseled with our board of directors, it seemed right to move in this direction. We have had a wonderful working relationship with Tikkun over the years and were pleased that Dan Juster and Asher Intrater, senior leaders in Tikkun, also affirmed this transition for Ron and Elana.
Asher played a key role in the early years of our congregation before being sent out to Jerusalem to plant Congregation Ahavat Yeshua. He was on our board of directors for many years and continues to be a close personal friend.
We want to encourage you to continue supporting Ron and Elana as they will still be raising their support. We consider this family good soil—worthy of your investment. Ron has a keen teaching and preaching gift, and we want to see him used all over this country, proclaiming God’s work in Hebrew. As you invest in this family, you will share in the reward, as together we reap a harvest in Israel.
We at Maoz Israel are truly excited about this new strategic partnership with Ron and Elana, both as we minister to the nations concerning God’s heart for His people, and as we seek to reach and disciple Israelis, introducing them to the Messiah of Israel.
Sincerely, Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram