Israel invented instant messaging, drip irrigation and the popular GPS app Waze. So it is not surprising that scientists in the “start-up nation” (as we have been called), have already had a breakthrough in developing a vaccine for the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
The researchers at MIGAL Institute developed a successful vaccine against the avian (in birds) Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV). Now they are modifying it for human use, even as the virus spreads globally.
In Israel, there are only three cases and all three individuals contracted it abroad. There is no panic in the Holy Land as of yet.
MIGAL Galilee Research Institute is hoping that their science will lead to the mass production of a vaccine against Coronavirus in the coming weeks. MIGAL’s avian vaccine against IBV seems to be working well, combating the virus in pre-clinical trials. Now, they are making genetic adjustments to make it usable for humans. The next will be pre-clinical trials and, as quickly as possible, it will be made it available to the public.
David Zigdon, CEO of MIGAL, commented that “given the urgent global need for a human Coronavirus vaccine, we are doing everything we can to accelerate development. Our goal is to produce the vaccine during the next 8-10 weeks, and to achieve safety approval in 90 days.”
Good news: no shots will be needed, but a pill will be produced that can be taken orally.
Israel’s Ministry of Science and Technology will fast-track approval for the vaccine in light of the global need.
Of course, it will be interesting to see if the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement known as BDS, which discourages all business dealings with Israel, will be willing to buy and ingest the Jew-tainted, life-saving drug. What about the Iranian regime, which calls for death to Israel as frequently as they enjoy Turkish coffee each morning? Instead of death to Israel, maybe they will chant, “Life from Israel!”
How ironic that it could be the most hated country in the world, the most persecuted and lied about, the most mocked and vilified, would be the country that saves the lives of her haters.