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Shelanu TV

Israelis Need Yeshua...but Something Sinister Has Happened

Writer: Ron CantorRon Cantor

Israelis need Yeshua. It is that simple. I know you believe that. I know that you want to see the Jewish people come to faith in their Messiah. But they don’t know that the story that most of the world refers to as the Christmas story is a Jewish story.

Yeshua came into the world as a humble servant—a baby born amongst livestock. He breathed his first breaths in Bethlehem, not Rome. His parents were Jews from the greater Galilee area with roots near Jerusalem.

Thirty-three years later, he died for the sins of the Jewish people and the world. He was labeled the king of the Jews. His followers took this message to all of Israel. At the time, they had no idea that this message was also for the nations.

But something sinister has happened.

And taking the gospel to the nations, something amazing and wonderful, the nations have forgotten from where this good news came. There is such little focus on reaching the natural children of Abraham with the good news of Yeshua the Messiah.

Over the past, few decades, the Messianic movement in Israel has been rebirthed. This rebirth coincided with the inventions of television, video and the Internet. In 2019, I had a providential meeting with an executive of one of Israel’s largest cable networks. You know the story. Together, we birthed Shelanu TV. Shelanu shocked the world by airing the gospel on the Israeli airwaves for the first time in history as its own Messianic channel.

Of course, I knew that they would eventually kick us off—not the cable company but the religious community and the government. And we were ready. When they did kick us off, we had already built the infrastructure for the website and social media accounts for Shelanu. For the past several years, we have been sharing the good news every day, every minute in the language of the Hebrew prophets.

And you have been a big part of this. As you plan your year-end giving, please remember the Jewish people. They need the message of Yeshua. Your investment will put the good news of Yeshua in front of Israeli eyes. We need to buy ads on social media, create new content in Hebrew, and bring people to the Shelanu TV website. Your partnership is a big part of that.

Over the years, we have had many rabbis contact us who saw our content and wanted to read the Hebrew New Testament. We always have to send it by private courier, so no one knows they are reading the words of Yeshua. We have been contacted by teenagers only to turn them away. The law says that we cannot share with those under 18. Many of those have come back with their parents’ permission, while others waited until their 18th birthday and then asked for a copy of the Hebrew New Testament or my book Identity Theft in Hebrew. It is the most exciting ministry I’ve ever been part of.

Please click on the link or send a check (address is below) to support Shelanu! Just imagine meeting somebody in eternity, an Israeli, who came to faith because of your investment in reaching them with the message of eternal life. Thank you.


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