Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas! And speaking of the birth of the Messiah, I feel compelled to comment on the fact that Respected Megachurch Pastor Andy Stanley has questioned the significance of the Virgin Birth. I understand he is seeking to reach the unreached by being edgy, but theologically the Virgin Birth is an essential part of God’s plan of salvation for mankind.
Read CBN’s report story here: 1. If Yeshua was not born of the Seed of God, He would not be the Second Adam (Rom. 5)—perfect, but he would be born of “corruptible seed”. However, Peter says that He was born of an “Incorruptible seed.” (1 Pet. 1:23) 2. His blood would have been spoiled, tainted with the sin of Adam. Instead we were redeemed with the “precious blood like that of a lamb without defect or spot, the blood of Messiah.” (1 Pet. 1:19) 3. If he was Joseph’s son after the flesh, what set him apart as Holy? He would have been born into sin, just like you and me. 4. Isaiah is quoted by Matthew saying “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and give birth to a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which means “God with us.” So Matthew the BIBLE WRITER thinks it is important. 5. Stanley says that it is only reported in half the gospels. So what? If it is reported once IN SCRIPTURE, that is enough. The Woman at the Well, the John 9 blind dude, Lazurus’ resurrection and many other stories are only mentioned once, but no one questions their validity. The Virgin Birth, particularly in Luke, is clearly laid out as prophetic. Mark and John start at Yeshua’s adult life.
6. The same angel that announced to Joseph the Virgin Birth said he was to be named Yeshua. Yeshua means salvation. The angel said, “He will bring yeshu’a (salvation) to His people.” Is that not important? And it is only mentioned once in Matthew. Maybe we should throw it out?
Conclusion: We should do everything we can to be culturally relevant, to reach the people of our generation, but never compromise the Word of God. All of the Word of God is sacred and true. #SlipperySlope.
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