Tour guide bullied by Islamic Guards for using the term TEMPLE MOUNT on the TEMPLE MOUNT!
Today, in Israel, a tour guide was leading a group of American students on the Temple Mount—you know, the place where the First and Second Temple stood (according to any historian with an ounce of integrity). In his teaching, Israeli archeologist, Dr. Gabriel Barkay, used the suddenly controversial term, “Temple Mount”. He was confronted immediately by Islamic thug guards.
You see, the Islamists on the Temple Mount not only deny that there ever was a Temple there, but they demand that you deny it as well.
According to the
In passing, he once again referred to the site as the Temple Mount; its Arabic name is Haram al-Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary. Incensed, the guards interrupted once more, ordered 72-year-old Barkay to stand, and marched him over to a cluster of Israel Police officers who were standing beneath a clutch of pines.
Not long ago, UNESCO, the joke of an organization within the U.N. that promotes education, science and culture (but apparently not history!), passed a resolution which proclaimed that the Western Wall and the Temple Mount were solely Islamic sites and denied their Jewish connection.
Islamic guards had been following Dr. Barkay and his group to make sure they didn’t say anything inappropriate such as, Temple Mount. Now, standing with the police, the Islamic thugs wanted Dr. Barkay expelled from the Temple Mount… I mean, Haram al-Sharif. Of course, he was breaking no law, just hurting their feelings and therefore he was able to continue.
You might wonder, if Israel is a Jewish state, why are there Islamic guards harassing people on the Temple Mount? After Israel defeated Jordan in 1967, the WAQF (the organization that oversees the Temple Mount) was created under Jordanian oversight, which then employs Palestinians to run it. This is a direct contradiction to how Jordan treated Jerusalem’s Old City from 1948 – 1967. They destroyed every Jewish symbol, monument and synagogue. Now they cry foul if a Jewish person simply utters a prayer on the Temple Mount. And we put up with it.
This thuggish aggression against Jewish and Christian tourists is not new. Many tour guides will tell you that they have suffered a similar encounter. Instead of defending the tourists, the United Nations, against all logic and intellect, agree with the Islamists that the Temple Mount is really and only Haram al-Sharif. Of course, the Islamic block of nations has sway in the U.N., so truth takes a back seat to myths that are meant to weaken Israel.
The funny thing is that we have no direct evidence that Mohamed ever even visited Jerusalem, but we have tons of evidence of the two different Jewish Temples that stood there.
And to be clear, Yeshua will return to the Mount of Olive directly facing that area. He will enter and I am quite sure that He will acknowledge it as the Temple Mount, as He sets up His kingdom.
“Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on a day of battle. On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem.” (Zech. 14:3-4a)