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[Podcast] Tribute to Steve Hill and Replacement Theology Conference in Israel 048

Writer: Ron CantorRon Cantor

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Ron Cantor and the Maoz Media team bring you the 48th episode of the Maoz Israel Podcast!

Ron Cantor and Tal Guinness are back in our Tel Aviv studio with a special episode dedicated to the Christ at the Checkpoint conference.  What is really behind Christ at the Chekpoint? Why are Messianic Jews not supporting the conference? Tune in to find out!

Plus, a Special Tribute to Evangelist Steve Hill who went to be with the Lord this week.

At the end of the podcast stay tuned for the song No Other Name by Judah & Jennifer Morrison from the album Let Us Return.


This broadcast of the Maoz Israel Report Podcast is brought to you by Maoz Israel Ministries and Congregation Tiferet Yeshua

Contact Ron: Ron on Twitter: @ronscantor

Maoz on Twitter: @maozisrael



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