Dear Precious Friends,
What a glorious day it is in Tel Aviv. Even though it is sunny and about 80 degrees (27 Celsius), I am not talking about the summer-like weather we are enjoying. I am referring to the fact that Israelis will gather in Tel Aviv today, just like they did in the times of the apostles, to WORSHIP YESHUA THE JEWISH MESSIAH!
What a minute, you say, Tel Aviv did not exist in the times of the apostles. Okay, technically you are correct—Tel Aviv is a new city. But Yafo (Joppa) was a Jewish city in New Testament times and Tel Aviv was birthed as an offshoot of Yafo, when a handful of Jewish families in 1909 gathered on sand dunes just north of the city and apportioned plots to create a new neighborhood, that became the second largest city in Israel—Tel Aviv-Yafo.

The apostle Peter, after raising Tabitha from the dead, spent significant time in Yafo preaching the gospel and discipling believers:
[Tabithia’s resurrection from the dead] became known all over Yafo, and many people believed in the Lord. Peter stayed in Yafo for some time … (Acts 9:42-43)
May the Lord breath on the embers of that awakening that took place in Yafo in the days of the apostles and cause a mighty fire of revival to spread all over Tel Aviv.
Prayer Requests:
Congregation Tiferet Yeshua Today
Pray for our meeting today at 4pm (9am EST). Asher Intrater, our apostolic overseer, will be bringing the message. He is preaching on “Fullness”! Pray for our worship team to move in the Spirit. Pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be in operation; especially healing and miracles. Pray most of all, that God would draw those He has already prepared for salvation to come, hear and receive the Good News of Yeshua. Pray also for Beni, the anti-Messianic, who gets paid to stand outside our congregation and try to draw our people from Yeshua. Pray that he gets born again!
For Ron and Elana
This year, since taking on the day-to-day management of the congregation, Elana and I decided to be proactive in seeking to improve our own relationship. It has been very healthy. It is amazing that you can be married to someone for 25 years and still need to understand them better. Pray for us to continue to grow together, for the presence of God to be strong in our lives and to be fruitful in the ministry to which the Lord has called us.
Ron on Sid Roth’s ‘It’s Supernatural’
I asked you about a month ago to pray for a meeting between my publisher, Destiny Image and another ministry. That ministry was Messianic Vision with Sid Roth. Sid’s show, It’s Supernatural, reaches into homes around the world. He will be interviewing me next month about my book Identity Theft. This will enable so many more to understand the Jewishness of Jesus and how it was taken away from Him (at least in how He is perceived today).
Our Girls!
Please lift up Danielle as she continues to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces on the Golan Heights. If you never saw the interview we did with her near her base, you can see it here.
Sharon and Yael are both praying about what they will do when their lease runs out in February. Yael wants to begin her studies and Sharon wants to continue her’s in media. They attend a wonderful congregation in Richmond. Please pray for them to develop meaningful relationships there. Ask the Lord to be close to all our girls and cover them with His love.
Thank you so much! God bless you all from Tel Aviv-Yafo!
Until all Israel is saved (Rom. 11:26),
Ron Cantor Executive Pastor, Congregation Tiferet Yeshua Tel Aviv, Israel
