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Shelanu TV

Today is the day of salvation, and now is the set time to favor Zion.

Writer: Ron CantorRon Cantor

Greetings from somewhere over the U.S., one hour and eleven minutes from Richmond. Tomorrow will put me one year away from sixty. It is hard to believe I will be fifty-nine, but I am so happy that our whole family will be together, and for Mother’s Day too! (Fun fact: I was born on Mother’s Day 1965) 

As we welcome many new faces to our list from this weekend’s ministry at Open Door, I want to take a moment to share the unique mission of Shelanu TV. One of my greatest joys in life is knowing that wherever I am—whether on a plane or at home sleeping—the message of Yeshua is being broadcast in Hebrew on Shelanu TV, a channel that is truly one of a kind. 

Shelanu means “ours,” and we love to remind Israelis that Yeshua is “One of us.” He came from Israel, and his message is reaching every nation. Shelanu was born four years ago when Israel’s largest cable company approached me about putting GOD TV in English on their network. I said, “I am not interested in an English-speaking channel in a Hebrew-speaking nation. But I would be interested in a Hebrew-speaking channel.” One year later, we were live! 

We are also on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok sharing how Israelis can find forgiveness of sins and eternal life through Yeshua the Messiah! 

If you share our passion for reaching Israelis with the good news of Yeshua, please consider supporting Shelanu TV. During the past several months of war and suffering, it is only natural for people to ponder about eternity. We have witnessed a surge in interest since the October 7th attack. Every month, we distribute dozens of New Testaments and copies of my book Identity Theft in Hebrew. We have seen rabbis as well as soldiers respond, a witness to the power of using the Internet to reach Israelis. 

Today is the day of salvation, and now is the set time to favor Zion. Israel needs friends right now. We have done everything we can as a ministry since October 7th to provide aid—from gifts to war widows to life-saving vests and helmets. But we are also dedicated to providing eternal “aid” through the living-giving words of Yeshua. 

Just go to and become a monthly partner. Or send your check to the address below. 

On behalf of the team in Tel Aviv, Toda Raba! “Thank you very much!”



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