Dear Friends,
I want to encourage you to focus your prayers on one primary issue: That Hamas will not succeed in kidnapping any Israeli soldier.
It has become clear over the past 24/48 hours that Hamas has shifted their strategy. Or perhaps this was the plan all along—use Rocket fire to convince Israel to invade, and then, kidnap a soldier. What is clear is that Hamas’ rocket fire, which was meant to terrify the nation has been thwarted. Other than one tragic death, it has had very little impact other than uniting Israelis behind our government to go into Gaza and put and end to Hamas.
Two days ago a bunch of terrorists exited a tunnel and found to their surprise Israeli soldiers waiting for them. One was killed while the others ran back into the tunnel, which was then bombed by Israeli forces. Presumably, all of the terrorists were neutralized.
There is no doubt what their intentions were. To kidnap Israelis and bring them back into Gaza and murder others on the way.
Further proof of this was found yesterday when another group of terrorists, this time disguised in Israeli uniforms emerged from a tunnel. They managed to kill two Israeli soldiers—one who was a friend of my daughter—before the IDF killed one of them. The others fled back into Gaza.
The IDF found on the dead terrorist’s body tranquilizers and handcuffs. The IDF also found rocket propelled grenades and AK-47 machine guns. Even Hamas knows that a living soldier in their possession will break the resolve of Israelis quicker than 10,000 rockets.
Hamas is losing face in the Middle East. They do not have the support of the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Jordan or Saudi Arabia. Turkey who earlier this week accused Israel of Genocide and yesterday called Israel more barbaric than Hitler (Hmmm… Killed 6,000,000 Jews in a calculated plan vs. killed 300 in self-defense… anyways…) is said to now be backing the Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire (a ceasefire in which Hamas gets nothing) and Syria and Lebanon have become irrelevant.
While there are those who will side with the terrorists no matter what—simply out of hatred for Israel—Hamas is not enjoying the sympathy from others that it has in the past. For that reason, their only hope is to kidnap an Israeli. A living Israeli in their possession is a terrorist’s gold mine.
Now, if I have been able to deduce this, surely IDF commanders are aware and doing everything in their power to keep a kidnapping from happening. But we need supernatural help as well!
I am asking you to pray against this. This is a plan from hell, dripping with the residue of Satan. Call on the Armies of the Lord of Hosts—the Angels of God—to protect the young IDF soldiers and Israeli civilians. Pray that not one Israeli will be kidnapped and that all plans to do so will be thwarted by the IDF or the Angels in Heaven.
Thank you,