Some teach that the Abrahamic covenant was fulfilled in Yeshua when he died.
That sounds spiritual until you realize by that they mean that God’s promises to be faithful to Israel are null and void and transferred to the Church.
Is that true? Is God finished with Israel?
Imagine the shock of Mary, Joseph, Simeon, Anna, Elizabeth, and Zechariah, who were all promised that this Messiah child would be a blessing to Israel. And what about those poor shepherds in the fields to whom the angels appeared promising good news and glad tidings?
Can you imagine if they said, “And here’s the good news, God is going to reject Israel forever, give your promises to another group of people who will then persecute you for the next thousands of years. YOU’VE BEEN REPLACED!”
That certainly doesn’t sound like good news! And it doesn’t sound like the faithful God we all know and love.
But maybe…
But maybe God can be faithful to both the spiritual seed of Abraham and the physical seed of Abraham at the same time.
Maybe God does not have to reject his natural kids in order to be faithful to his spiritual ones. could it be that we live in two different Kingdom realms at the same time?
I believe the answer is yes. And the Bible proves it.
This past Shabbat, I preached a short sermon (I called it a “vignette” rather than a full-fledged sermon) at a Messianic congregation in North Carolina, where I shared what I believe the Bible says about these important questions.
It is vital that believers who love Israel and understand God’s purposes for the Jewish people get equipped to spread the message to the rest of the Body of Messiah.
For a deeper dive into this topic, I encourage you to pick up my newest book, When Kingdoms Collide (it’s a short book, but packed full of key insights vital to understanding the days we are living in and the days that are ahead.)
You are describing the *holy* Catholic Church and her children--nominal, mainline protestant churches. They not only persecuted Jews but redeemed believers (the remnant) as well.