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Can I ask you for four minutes? Text is OK, but I want you to hear my voice. A couple of weeks ago, I shared with you the changes we are going through at Shelanu TV. As of April 1, Shelanu will be an independent Israeli ministry with its own local board. 

We couldn’t have gotten to where we are today without the help of GOD TV, who has underwritten most of our budget for the past four years. But we all felt that if Shelanu was going to reach its full potential, it needed not just to be based in Israel but also become an Israeli nonprofit.


Shelanu TV is Israel’s only 24/7 TV station that shares the good news of Yeshua in Hebrew. Evan, our station manager, and I just started a podcast. In the first episode, we recount the history of Shelanu … which began in the office of an executive for Israel’s largest cable company. It’s a roller coaster of a story, and I can’t wait to share it with you next week.


Our board of directors is a group of Messianic Jews and a dynamic Arab evangelist with his own Arabic-language TV channel.


Over the past few months, more and more people have been asking questions and engaging us online. Moti Cohen, one of our presenters, shared about being recognized at a shopping center. The security guard knew he knew him from somewhere and then put the pieces together, realizing he saw him on Shelanu TV.


Every month, we send out a few dozen Hebrew New Testaments and Hebrew copies of my book, Identity Theft, to those who ask. We don’t beat people over the head but simply challenge Israelis to think for themselves and come to an informed decision regarding Yeshua.


Thank you for joining with us as we continue this journey in a new direction.

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