It’s been more than 100 days since Vladimir Putin’s troops invaded Ukraine. Against all odds, the brave people of Ukraine have resisted and valiantly fought off Russia, a world power with vastly more weapons, people, and resources—a David and Goliath conflict for sure!
And even though the war is never far from anyone’s thoughts, for our Ukrainian Messianic brothers and sisters, there is really only one main thing on their minds—how can they tell or show others the good news of Yeshua?
Next month—in July—my dear friend and long-time co-worker in Ukraine, Valentin Sviontek, has a vision to help the children of Ukraine do something we take for granted—go to summer camp. But not just any camp—Shmuz Youth Camp.
Shmuz was “born” during the COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020 as a new way for the children and youth to gather. Every facility was closed for events, but the youth wanted to meet, so they figured out a solution—they had camp in “shifts.” For 10 days, children ages 8-13 and then teenagers and young adults ages 14-24 met.
It was such a success that 9 Jewish young people decided to get immersed in water right there in the camp swimming pool! And then, in 2021, even MORE children and young people came—including many unbelievers from different regions of Ukraine—and 6 more young people came to faith in Yeshua as their Messiah.
And now, this year—with the war going on in several parts of Ukraine—they are planning to have the youth camp again! The location has changed (for safety)—it will be close to the border with Romania. But Shmuz 22 is happening!
ALREADY, they are expecting 300 to 500 children and youth!!!
But they need our help. In order to put on Shmuz 22, they are asking us for help with a little over half of the cost—we need to raise $20,000. This will allow children—even those who have lost everything in the war—to attend.
Think about the eternal impact this camp will have! This year, these children have seen war up close…a relative might have been killed; they may have had to leave their homes. Shmuz 22 may be the first time they will hear about Yeshua.
Help us send these precious Ukrainian children to a safe place for a few days…a place where they can be kids again…and hear about and experience the love of Yeshua, perhaps for the first time.
Please give generously today—what an opportunity we have! Many of the children who will be coming are Jewish.
“Shmuz 22” will be July 25-30. They need our help today! Let’s show them that we have not forgotten the needs of the “least of these.”