I want to share with you something I learned about recently in a conversation with one of our Messianic pastors in the north. Things have changed quickly in a month, and we could use your help.

Leon Mazin immigrated to Israel more than 30 years ago when the former Soviet Union collapsed and opened the way for almost a million Jewish people to return to the Land out of their “exile” to the north—a major fulfillment of prophecy (Jer. 16:14-15).
For many years, Leon and some volunteers from his mostly Russian-speaking congregation, Shavei Tzion (Return to Zion) in Haifa, have provided free assistance a few days a week to new immigrants trying to learn the ropes of life in Israel (how to set up a bank account, navigate the healthcare system, deal with a landlord, etc.). There was no advertisement, just word of mouth—they maybe helped about 10 families a week on average.

Since the beginning of April, the slow trickle of immigrants has become more like a river. Leon says they are seeing triple the number of families on a daily basis, and the needs are much greater. Moms and children, the elderly—refugees fleeing from the war in Ukraine—have almost nothing.
The need is great for clothes, mattresses, washing machines, microwaves, and all the household items we take for granted, just to start life again in a place far from what the Ukrainian immigrants have known as home.

Please consider making a donation today to help these new arrivals who are struggling, hurting, and perhaps feeling hopeless. Together, we can show them the love of Yeshua in a tangible and practical way!